Housing Stabilization Services
Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance benefit to help people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing. Housing stabilization services are state plan (not waiver) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS).
To be Eligible
A member is eligible for housing stabilization services if they meet all of the following needs-based criteria:
- The individual or family is faced with a situation or set of circumstances likely to cause the household to become homeless, including but not limited to doubled-up living arrangements where the individual’s name is not on a lease, living in a condemned building without a place to move, having arrears in rent or utility payments, receiving an eviction notice without a place to move or living in temporary or transitional housing that carries time limits; or
- The person, previously homeless, will be discharged from a correctional, medical, mental health, or substance use disorder treatment center and lacks sufficient resources to pay for housing, and does not have a permanent place to live; would be at risk of homelessness if housing services were removed.
For more information on Housing Stabilization, please visit the Minnesota Department of Human Services Page.