A person washing their hands under the faucet.

Covid-19 Preparedness Plan

Capable Hands Care will continue to follow guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) about Covid-19.

Capable Hands Care all staff and clients to make informed choices about getting vaccinated. For information about vaccinations, please visit COVID-19 Vaccine / COVID-19 Updates and Information – State of Minnesota (mn.gov)

To mitigate the spread of Covid-19, Capable Hands Care will continue to implement, at a minimum, the following components, in compliance with the CDC guidelines:

  • 1 Hygiene and source control;
  • 2 Cleaning and disinfecting;
  • 3 Policies related to arrivals and departures;
  • 4 Screening and policies for staff and volunteers exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19;
  • 5 Screening and policies for service recipients exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19;
  • 6 Social distancing;
  • 7 Food preparation and meals;
  • 8 Ventilation;
  • 9 Communication and training about the Plan.

Capable Hands Care will

  • Notify service recipients about the plan and make it available to them upon request, and if appropriate, to their parents, legal guardians, or caseworkers.
  • Train staff and volunteers on the plan and ensure they are capable of implementing it; and
  • Post the plan in a prominent place or make it accessible to staff and volunteers who need to review it.

Plan for Hygiene and Source Controls

1. Hygiene and source controls

  • Staff will be required to utilize handwashing routines after having been in a public place, entrance or exit of service recipient’s residence, before and after eating, after using the toilet, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Service recipients and visitors will be encouraged by staff to follow the above guidelines listed in this bullet point.
  • Service recipients, staff, and visitors should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Capable Hands Care offices have handwashing facilities and/or hand-sanitizer readily available and appropriately stocked.
  • Capable Hands Care will post handwashing and “cover your cough” signs in each designated office.
  • Capable Hands Care requires all staff; vaccinated or unvaccinated, to utilize a facemask in the following settings: Capable Hands Care office; staffs’ vehicles (when transporting clients); service recipient’s residence; while with service recipient, unless in an outdoor setting and observing over 6 feet of social distancing.
  • Upon request, Capable Hands Care LLC will provide staff with recommended protective supplies, such as facemasks, gloves, disinfectants, etc.
  • Staff and service recipients will be encouraged to avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
A person is holding a toothbrush in their hand.
A woman wearing a surgical mask and hat.


2. Cleaning and disinfecting

  • Capable Hands Care will follow MDH and CDC guidance for frequent cleaning and disinfecting of the program space, especially shared spaces. www.cdc.gov
  • Capable Hands Care will ensure high-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, stair rails, counters, tables and chairs, phones, keyboards, program equipment, and other shared items are regularly cleaned and disinfected.
  • Capable Hands Care will minimize the use of shared supplies (e.g., arts and crafts, office supplies) that cannot be sanitized and consider using designated bins for clean and used items.
  • Capable Hands Care will use EPA-registered disinfectants recommended by the CDC: www.epa.gov/coronavirus

Plan for Hygiene and Source Controls

4. Screening and policies for staff exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19

  • Staff will self-monitor for signs of illness, including using health screening questions before beginning a work shift. Capable Hands Care will require sick staff to stay home or return home if they are experiencing symptoms. The team may also opt to conduct temperature screening if it can be done with proper social distancing, protection, and hygiene protocols. However, temperature screening is not required.
  • Capable Hand Care sick policies are communicated via CHC handbook and supportive of staff staying home when sick.
  • Capable Hands Care will Ensure staff knows the signs and symptoms of the COVID-19 illness by use of CDC/MDH literature.
  • Capable Hands Care will provide protocols based on MDH guidance for when a staff member exhibits symptoms of COVID-19or tests positive for COVID-19. See ‘Stay Safe MN: What to do if an employee has COVID-19’.
  • Capable Hands Care ensures that emergency contact information for staff is up to date via employee binder.
  • Capable Hands Care will establish communication protocols for a positive COVID-19 case or potential exposure and ensure that an individual’s identity is not disclosed, other than to a person authorized to receive the information.
  1. Staff will communicate with the direct supervisor.
  2. Staff will work with CHC to be tested for COVID-19.
  3. The supervisor will inform close work contacts.
  4. The supervisor will inform exposed employees and service recipients how to keep from spreading COVID-19.
  5. Staff will self-quarantine pending COVID-19 results.
  6. If tested positive for COVID-19, staff will self-quarantine for up to 14 days from the exposure date. The team supervisor will communicate with other employees and service recipients that were in close contact.
  7. If tested negative for COVID-19, staff will return to work within one week
  • Capable Hands Care will notify MDH and follow their direction if a staff member or volunteer is diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Capable Hands Care 245D Managers and Designated Coordinator plan for backup staffing if a staff member becomes ill during program hours.

Plan for Screening and Policies for Service Recipients

5. Screening and policies for service recipients exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19

  • Capable Hands Care Staff will monitor service recipients for signs of illness, including using a health screening tool such as this: www.health.state.mn.us, which will be provided by Capable Hands Care per MDH/CDC guidance and instructions.
  • Capable Hands Care will ensure that staff can educate service recipients on the signs and symptoms of the COVID-19 illness.
  • Establish protocols based on MDH guidance for when a service recipient exhibits symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19 to limit exposure.
  • Capable Hands Care will ensure that emergency contact information for service recipients is up to date.
  • Capable Hands Care will establish communication protocols for positive COVID-19 cases or potential exposure and ensure that an individual’s identity is not disclosed, other than to a person authorized to receive the information.
  • Capable Hands Care will Notify MDH and follow their direction if a service recipient is diagnosed with COVID-19.

Plan for Communication and Training:

8. Communications and training